Home Forums Business Consultr Pro hamburger menu not working on mobile

  • This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 6 years ago by Anonymous.
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    • #3174

      the menu only works on the homepage on a mobile view. When you navigate to other pages the main menu becomes hidden behind the alternative menu and then when you scroll in appears. However, when you click on the hamburger, nothing happens. The hamburger only works on the homepage?

    • #3187

      Of Course No. The menu must work on every page. Please do check our demo for reference. So there must be anything wrong with your particular site. Please send us your Site URL, WP username and password at [email protected] So we can identify the real problem and fix.


    • #3228

      Sorry it was our caching plug-in causing the error. Fixed now! Thanks for your help.

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