The instructions for adding the services section on the home page / frontpage is simple and straightforward
– Create a page where there is a pipe at the end of the title followed by the icon name (eg: My Page Titlle | kfi-plus-alt2 ) <– spaces shouldn’t make any difference right?
– Go to the Appearance > Customize > Front Page Options > Service in the admin panel where you see a field and input the page id (eg: the page id for ” http://portfolio.development/wp-admin/post.php?post=75&action=edit ” is ” 75 ” right?)
– Click the publish button in that Service section panel where you entered the page id.
I expected I would now see a box below the header image on my home page like what is seen in the theme demo. A single box saying “Storage Units” in it. Nothing! It does nothing, and there is nothing! I have tried adding an image on the Storage Units page in an image block of it’s own and repeating the steps but, again – nothing! Why am I not seeing results?