Home Forums Businex Pro Portfolio front page section – Show/hide description and random order Reply To: Portfolio front page section – Show/hide description and random order



To remove background of the Portfolio Pagination (red one), please add below CSS code to Dashboard > Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS.

.block-portfolio #block-portfolio-pagination .pagination {
background: transparent;

Regarding the site description hover effect feature, we need to customize the code. As a code customization part, you can hire us to achieve that, please refer below link;

We will response asap regarding this topic.

Basically, you can use a post type re-order plugin to re-order the posts. So the post will change there position on front page. We recommend to use https://wordpress.org/plugins/post-types-order/
Although, you want to show it by random posts (under portfolio items), the we need to customize the code. You can also hire us to achieve that. https://keonthemes.com/hire-now/

And, a language translation plugins like WPML, Loco Translate etc. will help you to to that.

Hope all your queries are answered, although if you thing we missed anything or have further questions, please let us know.

Keon Themes Support Team