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Please follow these steps to change the paragraph text of the whole site;

Go to Dashboard > Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS and paste the below CSS code and click publish button.

html, body, button, input, select, textarea, .block-grid .post-content .post-content-inner, .icon-block-outer .list-inner, .block-team.block-grid .post-content .post-content-inner, .block-testimonial .slide-item article.post-content .post-content-inner blockquote, .block-grid .post-content .post-content-inner, .block-contact .content-outer .contact-list a, .kt-contact-form-area .form-group label, .kt-contact-form-area .form-group .search-form .search-button, .search-form .kt-contact-form-area .form-group .search-button, .kt-contact-form-area .form-group label, .kt-contact-form-area .form-group input.form-control:not(.wpcf7-submit), .kt-contact-form-area .form-group textarea.form-control, article.post-content, .wrap-team-page .block-team .team-member-highlight .list, .block-contact .content-outer .contact-list {
color: #cccccc;

Note: change the value (#cccccc) to your desired color code.

Thanks and Best Regards!!!